Thursday, September 15, 2011

Ryan's Birthday

It was a happy birthday for this goofy guy!
The reaction to Ryan showing his excitement... Reese: My dad is hilarious and cool. Carson: You're weird.
Started off the day with a big stack of waffles and then he headed off to work. We surprised Ryan at work with some balloons and Paul Bunion burgers.

Then party time!

Ry chose Macaroni Grill Chicken Milano with fried green beans and Italian sodas.

Opening presents
He finally got to wear his beloved soccer shoes that he bought for himself. I wouldn't let him wear them because he justified his buying them by telling me they were for his birthday. So I made him wait till his bday to wear them. mwahahaha!

Spankin Machine!

Didn't work out too well!
Happy birthday, Ry. Hope you had a good one!


Brittnee said...

You are awesome at making b-days special! That dinner looks good! Your boys are so cute and little Gwen is darling and looks alot like you :) Good job on the photos, next time you're in town I would love if you took our fam. pics.

Melissa said...

Hey so where are you man?
I wanna see pic's of your new place.
Come on..............