Thursday, September 15, 2011


I missed Gwen's three month post. I feel bad about it but really, there just wasn't time. So instead I'll just put a bunch of pictures together of my beautiful girl from the last month. In a few days she'll be four months old and I hate it! But I absolutely love this stage! I hate that she's now fitting into 6 month clothing and growing out of her 3 month stuff but I love that she can grab toys and talk and smile. She wasn't an early smiler and she's pretty shy but once she opens up to you she gives you big grins but she saves the biggest ones for me. :) Gwen hasn't really mastered laughing yet and she's hardly ticklish but she's got a really sweet little giggle. She's a good eater, about 6-8 ounces of formula every 3-4 hours and I've started putting some rice cereal in some of her bottles because she was spitting up so much. It seems to be helping. She's a rolly poly bug and rolls in every direction. Since she's learned how to roll onto her stomach that's how she prefers to sleep and now sleeps 10-12 hours consistently. Anytime she sees a pattern or bright colors she becomes transfixed. She's very visual. She loves to stand and does not like it if you put her down on the ground and walk away. She's pretty easy to figure out. She really only cries when she's hungry, tried, or needs a diaper change. Carson and Reese still adore her and completely smother her with loves. I thought for sure she would end up losing all her hair and going toe head like the boys did but she hasn't and it looks like she's staying with her dark hair. I'm even more surprised that her eyes are staying blue too! We sure are glad she's part of our family and we can't remember life without her!

First time in the standing bouncer. She wasn't too sure what to think of it but now she loves it!

Love the connection these two have for each other!

These pictures were taken at Crescent Bar.

So who do you think she looks more alike?



Kierstin said...

I see more Carson in her. She's beautiful!

Katja said...

The three black and white polka dot pictures are so confusing. The one on the left Gwen looks like Carson and the one on the right she looks like Reese.:)

Melissa said...

YEah I agree, she looks like both.
She sounds really easy.

Darren and Tessa said...

I say she's a pretty good mix....ADORABLE!