Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Sweet Boy

The night before Carson's first day of school, Ryan gave Carson a father's blessing. He blessed him to be kind and helpful and to make friends and to have good experiences. I admit that I wasn't closing my eyes the whole time but I couldn't help but sneak a peak at my cute son shutting his eyes and folding his arms as tight as he could. He had the cutest grin the whole time and he was trying so hard to be reverent but he couldn't quite keep his feet still. It was so precious! Ryan just told me this morning that last night Carson asked him for another blessing because it made him feel good on the inside. I love that Carson can identify the spirit and how it talks to him. I want to document this for him. Chances are, he's not going to remember this experience but hopefully writing it down might help spark his memory sometime later on. I hope he can hang on to that good feeling and be able to keep the spirit close! He's such a good example and I'm so glad his mine!

1 comment:

Becca Bingham said...

That is so sweet. Isn't being a mom and teaching your children the gospel the greatest!