Monday, December 3, 2012


Carson started Kindergarten this year. He did really well!! I could tell he was nervous but I think that since he went to a real preschool last year, he was more prepared. He walked right in like he knew what he was doing. We got him riding the bus and he loves it! The first time he got on, he could barely contain his excitement. It was like he was standing in line for a roller coaster ride! Ryan was a little skeptical about letting him ride the bus but it's only the Kindergarteners that ride so we don't have to worry about older kids infecting my little boy. It is a long bus ride but I think it's actually good for him. Gives him a chance to unwind before he gets home. Plus, he loves eating "hot lunch." I usually pack him a sandwich but once a week he gets to have hot lunch. That's what all his friends get so he thinks it's pretty cool. Funny to see how that will change. :) We had our first parent/teacher conferences and Mrs. Hansen said that he's doing really well and his best subject is math. Ryan was worried about his social life but he's got a lot of friends and plays well with the boys, maybe a little too well sometimes! It's been great to see him change already in the last few months. He finally has the desire to write and draw. That's always been a challenge. He's starting to sound out words and figuring out how to write them on his own. All throughout the day I'll hear him muttering under his breath and then he'll randomly announce "I know what (insert random word) starts with!" It's really cute and I love that he's so eager to learn!

Doesn't get much cuter people!

These are just some random videos that I found of Carson. The first one was from a few years ago. He might've been 3ish. The second one was from this summer. He's such a goof!

Carson is always entertaining!


Melissa said...

Wow I can't even believe he's old enough to be doing this.
This is CRAZY.................
I'm glad he loves it.

Missy! said...

He looks so big! That's nice to have the kindergartener's on their own bus