Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Spring Soccer

I must admit that it is getting harder and harder to keep this blogging thing going. It's great and I love the books that we have so far but it takes a lot of time and effort and lately there's so many other things that I would rather do. I know my family appreciates it and checks for updates all the time and I'm glad I have all these memories recorded. I just have to keep reminding myself the importance I guess.

Reese wasn't ready for soccer this year. The first day was okay but every time after that it was like pulling teeth trying to get him on the field. He just wasn't into it. He didn't seem to enjoy it like Carson did at this age. I think his size might have something to do with it because he's so small, way smaller than everyone else his age, and even with a small ball, it's still pretty big for him. Although, now that I think about it, Carson was the same way his first time playing soccer. We'll give it a year and try again but I think he'd enjoy something like gymnastics a lot more. 


Carson's season isn't over yet but he's doing okay. The competition is tougher than last year because he is one of the younger ones but also because the kids this season are really good! I think the main reason Carson loves soccer is because Ryan is his coach. Carson is our runner so he has that going for him. We'll see how he does in the fall. 


Melissa said...

I appreciate you blogging Jen.
Otherwise I'd know nothing about how you're doing and that'd make me sad.
You don't have to comment on every one of my posts if that's what stresses you out!!!
Love you

Tiffany Giraud said...

Love these pictures!