Sunday, April 1, 2012

Reese Recited

Reese and I were in my bedroom. He was playing with his Iron Man and I was getting my pajamas on. I went into the bathroom and when I came out he had this confused looked on his face and he asked,
How did you get in here?
I told him that I had been in here the whole time.
Do you have invisible powers?
Why, yes. Yes I do.
 I have invisible powers too!

 It was one of those mornings when I was having a hard time getting out of bed (which happens a lot, Ryan will tell you). Reese came in and informed me that it was morning time and that it was time to wake up. I told him that I couldn’t because my legs were broken. So he pulled off my blankets, found my toes and said,
No they’re not! There still here! See, here’s your tippy toes!

Most of the times it's not necessarily what he says but how he says it that makes things hilarious. There are so many times when I want to write down things he says but it's just not the same. It's his tiny sweet voice and his facial expressions that make it funny.  I guess I need to do some more video!

1 comment:

Melissa said...

Video would be great.
Just have one running constantly on your person.