Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Carson is 4!

What better way to kick off spring break than with a party!? Started the morning with some raspberry-stuffed french toast with vanilla custard. Of course, Carson was only interested in the huge bowl of raspberries which he ate pretty much all by himself.

Then we met up with the cousins at Chuck E. Cheese for lunch and had some fun!

Carson would not leave the pirate game alone! That's all he wanted to do and if someone else got on it he would watch and wait very patiently until they were done. I guess he either really hates pirates or really loves shooting them! 

Carson requested chicken nuggets for dinner so we had a little family party complete with the chicken nuggets!
For dessert, I made peanut butter striped delight... so good! Way better than cake! Carson and Jory could barely hold off blowing the candles...

After dinner was presents and the spanking machine!

We love Carson! He's such a sweetie (when's he sweet) and he's got the best smile complete with adorable dimples!  His imagination comes up with the best games and stories and of course they usually make us laugh. Every single day he says something that puts a smile on my face or lightens the mood, hence the "Carson quotes of the day." The other day he kept telling me "You're great, Baby!" He's been to speech therapy only twice but there's already been a huge improvement and his therapist kept saying that he makes her job look easy. I can tell that he is already becoming more aware of how he says things and he's already correcting himself. He's finally enjoying learning. It used to be a struggle trying to teach him something new but now he soaks everything up and he asks very intelligent questions. He loves to wrestle and that's the first thing he wants to do when Dad comes home. Carson is getting really good at games. His favorites are UNO, Dominos, Candyland, and Duck, Duck, Goose (he has a blast with it even when there's three of us playing). And you don't have to take it easy on him either because he usually wins either way. He's a good loser too. It was hard at first, learning to win and lose graciously, but now he's excited and actually "helps" other people to win. He ate a ton of salmon and pork chops the last time I made but I'm not so sure that they are his favorite, it could've just been a good day. He still loves fruit and would just eat that all day if we could afford it. I buy bags of frozen fruit just so the boys can snack on it. They eat them like popsicles! We've been working with him for a month or two teaching him to get completely dressed by himself. He's finally got it but he prefers to wear basketball shorts and t-shirts. He'll get dressed in the morning but then come home from school and put on shorts. It's also been a process, but he's learned to do his seatbelt up all by himself. That was a glorious day! It was all him too! I tried and tried telling him different ways of pulling the belt out and plugging it in but he's just not very physically coordinated (he gets it from my side) and he gets frustrated really easily. And we practiced and practiced until one day, it just literally clicked! He's been able to do it by himself ever since. It's such a relief not having to worry about those two things when I have a third on the way! Carson is always asking me if I'm glad that I won't have three babies and my response is always a relieved YES! Oh, and I have to mention the multiple names he's given for little sister, namely Mashed Potato. He loves making up names and words from his own language!


Melissa said...

I'm looking for peanut butter recipes cause Dru likes it.
Would you share yours?
I don't like peanut butter stuff so it'd be safe in this house.
I'm glad we saw him briefly the other night.

Isaak and Jackie said...

looked like a total blast. Do you have the recipe for the raspberry stuffed french toast, that looks delicious.