Thursday, March 3, 2011

Reese is 2!

So I'm a little behind... Reese turned two almost a month ago. It feels like he's been in our family for forever because I can't remember him not being a part of our family. He's such a joy! Reese is a happy-go-lucky type of kid that can make anyone who's in the worst mood smile. Even when he's in a bad mood you can make him laugh. He's the best hugger! He'll come running at you with his arms wide and throw them around your neck and just hug you for the longest time. But don't let all the mushy stuff fool you because he can hold his own! Reese is not afraid to fight back and he's beginning to be the bully on the playground which is actually pretty funny because he's also the smallest by a head compared to everyone else. People are always confused by him because he acts and talks like he's older but he's so close to the ground. He's going to make a great older brother for his little sister because he already likes wearing "bracelets" (my hair ties) and dressing up and, no, I'm not worried that he'll be a cross-dresser. :) His usual response for things (new clothes, more snow, yummy food) is "CUTE!!!" And he absolutely adores Carson and Ryan and imitates anything they do or say.  He's got a great imagination and is already coming up with stories and make-believe characters. His favorite toys are cars, especially Lightning McQueen (and he had a little crush on Sally for a while), and blocks. He can play with them for hours! We love this little guy and are so glad he's part of our family!

Here's a little video of him busting it out to Talking Trees, Ryan's band. He's not going all out like he normally does but Reese loves to shake his booty!
And sorry for recording it sideways, yes, I'm one of those idiots! But it rotated on the camera!

Jeff and Julie came over a few days before his birthday for a little party. We went out to dinner and then had pie afterwards.

Then on his birthday we made french toast casserole for breakfast and let him open a couple of presents. 
Then I think we went to McDonald's for dinner, I don't remember. But I do remember what we had for dessert... Boston Cream Pie Cake!


Melissa said...

I can't see your video cause it says it's private.
Great pic's and that pie looks fantastic.

Julie said...

I think Ryan is almost as fun to watch as Reese! cute pictures!

Kapri said...

Once again, those pictures are soooo cute!