Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Carson's First Day of Preschool

Today was Carson first day of preschool. The teacher said that there was two hours of no crying and she considered that a success. He was only there for four hours! I figured he'd have a hard time. It took him a year before he would go to nursery without problems for crying out loud. I was excited for him at first because I knew that he was ready, that he needed some structure and some time outside of home to make friends and learn some independence. But this morning I woke up second-guessing myself. I wasn't sure if I wanted to let him go. I knew he was hesitant and that made me wonder if he was ready. But when I picked him up and calmed down I think he really did enjoy it. They have two bunnies in the classroom and he really liked talking about them. They played outside and of course he loved that. So I'm sure he'll be okay, it'll just take some adjusting to. I guess what it come down to is that I can't believe we have a kid that old enough for school!


The Boyle's said...

Oh my gosh! I can't believe little Carsonator is in preschool either. Time goes by so fast. Sorry again we missed you guys in Boise. Looks like it was a good time. Miss you girl.

Melissa said...

Masaru had a tough time.
But it was good for him.
Love that last shot.

Missy! said...

What a big boy! That's so exciting to be going to school.

Ashley said...

so cute I am sure he will get used to it soon enough

Emma said...

that picture of him riding his little bike off to school almost made me cry. he's so big!