Monday, July 16, 2012

Reese to the Rescue

I just want to start off be saying that I love my kids. I wouldn't trade them for anything in the world. I'm so grateful to be a mom and that I have three beautiful, healthy, smart children who have so much personality and zest! Seriously, my kids are awesome. Carson has been difficult for me though. It's probably because we're both stubborn but we're constantly clashing. I get really frustrated with him sometimes because he just doesn't really want to do things for himself or fix his own problems. But lately Reese has been taking on the big brother role.  For example, Carson was telling us his experience when his cousin soaked the other three boys with the hose. Carson said, "...and then the other four of us were soaking wet!" Reese replied, "You mean the other three of us were soaked?" Reese will help and teach Carson how to do things like how to do a somersault or how to climb the tree a different way. And then just now, Carson was on the toilet having a meltdown because there was no more toilet paper. Reese to the rescue! Reese came running into my room, "Mom, Carson needs toilet paper!" I yelled at Carson that there was some under the sink. Carson started freaking out even more because there's childproof locks on the cupboards and he couldn't open it. Reese runs back to Carson, "I'll show you how to open it! You have to push that little lever down. No, you have to push it harder! There you go! You did it!" Reese taught Carson how to open the childproof locks. Those are just some recent examples and I'll probably add more as they happen. I'm not trying to make Carson sound dumb because he's not. I'm trying to make Reese sound smart because he is. I think that kid is just really smart, almost too much so for his own good. And I'm realizing that everyone in our family has a role and a place to fill and I think Reese's role (at least for now) is to be the mediator and example. I feel like even I'm always learning new things from Reese. I'm not sure why he came second in our family because I feel like he takes on more of a an oldest child personality but in any way, I'm glad he's in our family. I'm glad that we can work together and make a great team.


Melissa said...

Awwwwwwwww Jenny what a sweet, sweet child.
Love this post.

Krysta McClure said...

Loved this, Jen! You are completely right.... they each have their own role to fill, their own mark to make, all bundled up in some pretty incredible packages. Being the Mom is great!