Saturday, March 6, 2010

What we did instead of going to Philly...

Ryan and I were planning on going to Philadelphia a couple of weekends ago for a symposium for the Federalist Society but our flight got canceled so we ended up spending some time in Cd'A with Gavin and Tiffany. We were pretty bummed when we found out we weren't going but we still had a ton of fun with the Girauds! Carson got to bowl for the first time! He kept plugging his ears and asking me to protect his ears from all the noise. He loved it though! He liked it even more when they turned the lights off and the laser lights on. He kept jumping around trying to step on the beam of lights. It was funny!

We went and got some food and then walked the boardwalk.

Yes, we are one short, but Reese got to stay home and take a nap with Grandma. :)

1 comment:

Melissa said...

Couple of good lookin couples in this blog post.