Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Jett's 1st bday!!!

Of course it had to be jet themed. 
With a chicken salad croissant sandwich, juice box, cookie, and a bag of chips.

Jett is such a joy in our home. He's  everybody's favorite and most popular. He makes everyone smile and is friendly and flirty with everyone. He's busy baby that doesn't like to play with toys but loves to get into cupboards, climb up on the tall things, and go outside. He's obsessed with airplanes and every time one flies over he immediately stops what he's doing, looks up, points at the sky and whispers "side". I think he's trying to said "outside". Anyway it's freaking adorable! He's got a different look than the other kids but he looks most similar to Carson. He's definitely your biggest baby so far. It took him a while to figure it out but he has got the best laugh! He took his first steps at nine months but didn't really start walking till 10. Now he's running trying his best to keep up with the rest. He's really bowlegged which I think is adorable. He's also pigeon-toed so we'll see if he stays that way. There are times that he also walks on his toes just like his sister Gwen. He figured out the stairs earlier than the other kids at 11 months. He used to be a mama's boy but lately he's turned into a daddy's boy. I don't like it but I guess there are worse things. Jett is such a joy! We love having him in our family!!!

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