Friday, March 16, 2012

Carson is 5!!!

Look at this heart-breaker! He's such a little stud muffin! To be honest, it's really tough getting a picture of his real smile but there's these times, if you're fast enough, that you can just see that twinkle of the real Carson.

Carson plays a huge role in our family as the comedic-relief. He's always saying the funniest things, hence the "Carson Quotes of the Day," and pretty much any thought that enters his head, leaves his mouth. He'll take an idea and literally talk us all through his thought process. It's really interesting sometimes to see how he makes his conclusions.

He is our animal-lover! He's taken great care of his two pet frogs and is always reminding me that we need to stop and buy them some crickets. Every time we go to the pet store he wants to go in and look at the animals. It seems like every time I go to pick him up from school he has his teacher cornered with one of the animal magazines asking a bunch of questions about the pictures. If you ever want to get him talking, just ask him about spitting cobras.

Carson is our runner! The other day they had a jog-a-thon at his school and he had the most laps out of the whole preschool. He ran over a mile! It was so cute because he was really excited about it! We had bought him some new running shoes and he couldn't stop talking about how cool they were and then the day of the jog-a-thon he got all dressed in his running clothes and as they were getting ready to run he was all stretching and shaking it out. He was totally pumped. Then afterwards when everyone found out that he got the most laps, he was trying so hard to keep it cool, trying to keep that ear-to-ear grin under wraps. I don't know if I've ever seen him so proud of himself.

Carson has been, and most likely always will be, a fruit-aholic! He eats fruit like there's no tomorrow. I think I've bought about 4 or 5 of those big bags of the Costco Cuties and him and Reese are just barely starting to slow down on them. Between the two, they probably eat around 8 of them a day and that's on top of any other fruit that we have around. I'll buy a huge container of strawberries from Costco and it lasts 4 days and that with me cutting them off. He also loves popsicles and ice cream so it's no wonder that frozen blueberries are one of his favorite snacks.

Basically, Carson is one awesome kid. We have our difficulties of course but mostly we're really grateful to have him in our lives!

Q: What is your name?
A: Spider Man

Q: How old are you?
A: I'm five.

Q: What is your favorite color?
A: My favorite color is red. It's the most dashing color in the world!

Q: Who is your best friend?
A: Jory and Ryder and Daniel

Q: What is your favorite animal?
A: It's a llama.

Q: What do you want to be when you grow up?
A: I want to be a construction worker. 

Q:What is your favorite movie?
A: Shark Tales and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

Q: What is your favorite book?
A: It's about lots of animals. And I've been dreaming about going to the zoo. (the magazine that he's always asking his teacher to read to him)

Q: What makes you happy?
A:  Going and playing at my cousin's house.

Q: What makes you sad?
A: Not being first in line. Being in the very back. (he's pretty competitive)

Q: What is your favorite food to eat?
A: Fruits and veggies (told ya! )

Q: What's your favorite song?
A: Dolphins (???) I sing it at nighttime and my daddy sings it to me.
---How does it go? Can you sing it for me?
Dolphins, dolphins, dolphins, dolphinsYou don't have legs so you don't have to crawl in little things
Dolphins eat fish
Killer whales eat fish
and sharks eat fish
and watch out for those pointy teeth!

Q: What games do you like to play?
A:  Just Spider Man and TMNT and super heroes


Becca Bingham said...

I love these little interviews they are so adorable!

Melissa said...

Hey man nothing wrong with being a construction worker, I hear they make great husbands;)
Such a cute pic. of him Jenny!!

Ashleigh said...

I always thought red was the most dashing color in the world as well! :) So. dang. cute.

Krysta McClure said...

Too cute! Fun idea! I might have to start doing this..... those are some creative answers captured for a lifetime. Good job raising such a keeper, Mom!

Missy! said...

Happy birthday Carson! Such a cutie.