Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Summer wrap-up

Crescent Bar Family Reunion

Six Months Old!!!

Trip down to Firth
Crop dusters

My dad's BIG surprise

Summer Projects
Taggie Blankets


Lots of yard and house work

Daddy's little helper(?)

Five Year Anniversary!
We decided that we were going to go bike the Centennial Trail. So that morning, Ryan let me sleep in and then we packed up the bikes. I was in the car waiting for Ryan and then he came out with what I thought my my father in-law's camera. I told him that I already had ours and he said that we might get some good shots so we should bring a good camera. On the drive I was thinking there's no way I'm going to be carrying that huge case- if he wants to bring it then he's going to have to haul it. We were just about ready to head up the trail and Ryan suggested we take a picture with the Rebel. I opened up the case and there's a cute little card and I thought that's why he wanted to bring it, to surprise me with the card. But at the end of the card he put "You deserve this." I didn't even catch it at first and just started to put the lens on the camera when he asked "how does she feel?" I couldn't believe it!!! He totally surprised me with an awesome camera! It's by far the best gift I have ever gotten!!!
This is the first picture taken with my new camera!

After our bike ride, I went and chopped six inches off my hair. Then we went out to dinner at the Kynrede Cafe, came home and ended the day watching Harry Potter 4. It was a great day.


Sarah Ruth Ritchie said...

Wow! Yeah... I'd say!!!! A nice new camera... SWEET! I am very jealous. Glad to hear you had a good anniversarythough. You guys are very cute.

Melissa said...

So how long have you guys been married for? LOL
Hey the meetings are either Mon or Thurs at 5:30pm or 9:30am
Do you wanna do it?
Let me know.

Shantelle said...

So cool!! I love the present that you got. Very Sweet Husband!
I love those summer projects--you ROCK!

Anonymous said...

happy anniversary! I love the photo of you wake boarding! you're my hero! I love your new hair cut too. you are beautiful! and your quilt turned out great! you're an amazing quilter!